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Frequently Asked Questions

  • ‘RTO Partnership’ VET Auspice Fee
    The annual RTO Auspice Arrangement fee for the delivery of nationally recognised qualifications from one or more of the ReadCloudVET RTO's scope of registration. This fee covers: RTO services and administration associated with providing and monitoring the auspicing arrangement with the Partner School Access to online assessment workbooks in our online platforms and systems Fee: Contact us for pricing GST: N/A
  • ‘RTO Partnership’ Student Resources Fee
    The annual Student Resources Fee covers access to online learning resources; a set of comprehensive and interactive learner resources specific to the selection of units of competency the student is enrolled in and delivered via our online platforms. *This fee does not include online registration or platform charges associated with the process of accessing resources as those fees are incorporated into the “RTO Auspice Fee" (above) Fee: Contact us for pricing GST: N/A
  • ‘Partial Qualification’ VET Auspice Fee
    Programs that do not deliver the full complement of units in a particular qualification, including “taster programs” and short courses (Minimum 2 x Units of Competency) Fee: Contact us for pricing GST: N/A
  • ‘Partial Qualification’ Student Resources Fee
    Student Resources fees for partial qualifications include an "enrolment" fee and a “per unit, per student” fee. (Maximum 5 x units. Partial qualifications with more than 5 units will attract the full Student Resources Fee) Fee: Contact us for pricing GST: N/A
  • ‘Get VET Ready’ VET Transition & Support Program
    One-off fee for our transition & support program for new partner schools; Get VET Ready. Includes early access to VET resources and structured online planning / support meetings, in the lead up to the commencement of delivery next year Fee: $700.00 GST: N/A
  • VET ‘Additional Delivery Site / Campus’ RTO Fee
    Administrative Delivery Site Fee, per additional VET delivery site (i.e., other location / campus). Fee: $1,250.00 GST: N/A
  • VET ‘Late Enrolment’ Fee (Midyear)
    Administrative Late Enrolment Fee, per student, for enrolments received after the initial Enrolment Deadline (late March). Fee: $50.00 (per student) GST: N/A
  • VET ‘Late Enrolment’ Fee (Continuing Students)
    Administrative Late Enrolment Fee, per student in a continuing (1st year) program, for enrolments received after the final Enrolment Deadline (early September). Fee: $80.00 (per student) GST: N/A
  • VET ‘Late Enrolment & Full Evidence Review’ Fee
    Administrative Late Enrolment Fee, per student in a completing (final year) program, for enrolments received after the final Enrolment Deadline (early September). Includes a full review of all student evidence. Fee: $200.00 (per student) GST: N/A
  • VET ‘Review / Assessment’ of Student Evidence Files
    Administrative Fee, per student per hour, for the review and/or assessment of Student Evidence Files. (Minimum 1 x hour) Fee: $80.00 (per hour) GST: N/A
  • 'RPL Assessment' (for Teachers only)
    Fees for RPL Assessment for Program Teachers delivering at a Partner School auspiced by one or more ReadCouldVET RTOs. The fee includes an "enrolment" fee and a "per-unit assessment" fee. Fee: $500.00 Enrolment fee (per candidate) $125.00 Assessment fee (per unit / per candidate) GST: N/A
  • Extra 'School Visit' Travel Fee
    Fee applies to school that request an extra site visit in a given year, and relates to schools that are located more than 100km from the nearest capital city. Fees are determined for each case and are calculated on the basis of recovering costs for travel, accommodation and other staff / admin expenses. Fee: TBD GST: Inc. GST
  • ReadCloudVET 'Platform Access' (for non-auspiced Schools)
    Schools that operate as their own RTO may purchase access to the ReadCloudVET Hub with online assessment materials and learner resources available in the ReadCloud e-Reader. Access fees are calculated on a per-unit, per-student basis. Fee: $11.00* (per student / per unit) GST: Inc. GST *Please note, some qualifications attract a higher fee of $22 per unit, per student due to publisher related costs for ReadCloudVET. Contact us for more information.
ReadCloudVET Get in Touch

Empower your students with diverse learning pathways

Our mission is to provide schools and teachers with tailored support and flexible learning approaches for your students. Submit an enquiry via our expression of interest webform or contact us to request a demo from our friendly team!



For all VETDSSS enquiries, including from existing Partner Schools, please contact 

For all TAE enquiries, please contact

(03) 9060 7870


Level 1, 126 Church Street

Brighton, VIC, 3186


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